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Rooted in the Church

November 02, 2022
By Joshua Stines, Director of Spiritual Formation

Recently, as I was thinking about the purpose of the root system of a plant, I couldn’t help but think about the role of the local church in the life of the believer. Here’s what I mean: the root system beneath the surface keeps the plant above the surface firmly rooted in the ground and able to withstand the storms it may face. Similarly, the church provides the support we need to be able to withstand the storms we may face. When we go through hard times, the pain we experience often leaves us feeling alone and out of touch with others.  

But the good news is that when Jesus invited us to follow Him, He did so knowing that we would be alongside other people! God gave us the gift of relationships within the local church to be a source of strength for us, to encourage us, and to be a resource to us not only in the journey of faith but especially when we experience the storms of life.  

Throughout the month of November, our monthly focus is ROOTED IN THE CHURCH. We will be teaching our students the role the local church plays in the life of the believer. To begin with, they will learn how they can deepen their roots in God through joining a local church. Students will see how building relationships in the church can happen simply as a result of using the gifts they have been given, just as Phoebe did in the early church (Romans 16:1-2). They will learn how serving others in the same way Jesus served can result in relationships strong enough to withstand any storm they may face. Finally, they will have a chance to pray for those among us who are examples of people who sacrifice themselves for others—our veterans!

None of us can predict the next storm we may face. But my hope and prayer this month and throughout the rest of this school year is that when that time does come, our students will be supported by a system that is firmly rooted in the church.

Join me in prayer as we deepen our roots together!