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The objective of IMPACT Term (I-Term) is to enhance student learning by providing additional spiritual, academic, personal, and servant leadership experiences outside the traditional classroom in conjunction with the CCS curricular program.


I-Term is a unique secondary-level experience held between third and fourth quarters each year. All secondary students are required to participate in I-Term locally, nationally, or internationally as a part of their credit requirement.


I-Term is designed to provide opportunities outside the classroom so students can experience who God is and how He uses His people to love and serve each other (1 Peter 4:10). Through local, domestic, and international experiences, students will gain a more thorough perspective of God’s kingdom on earth. While these experiences will include work for the students, it is our desire that the real work would happen in the hearts of the students through the Holy Spirit. As a result of participating in I-Term, students will develop skills, discover passions, and build relationships that may not have been possible in the traditional classroom setting. Overall, I-Term will broaden and clarify students’ biblical worldview and allow them to see that God’s kingdom work is all around and in need of equipped workers (Luke 10:2, Matthew 28:16).


All I-Terms will include the following components to varying degrees: serving others, developing skills, discovering passions, building relationships.


It is our desire that each student would experience opportunities for both local and global service:

  • Local Service Projects—All advisories will choose a serving project within the South Puget Sound Region.
  • Domestic—Overnight trip to Washington, D.C. is optional for 8th grade students.
  • International—Junior high students have multiple options for local and domestic I-Term experiences, and international trips are reserved for their high school years.


Grading for I-Term

  • I-Term participation earns a letter grade for advisory class.
  • In addition to meeting the instructor’s criteria for passing the class, students must attend all activities during the week to receive credit for the course.
  • I-Term is mandatory; students must complete this course in order to meet graduation requirements.
  • If a student misses any time during the I-Term session, the hours missed must be made up before the end of the school year. Students may also choose to write an essay on service to make-up missed hours. 


Training Sessions

Students will meet with their Advisory teachers for several training sessions in preparation for I-Term week. Training sessions will include developing goals, developing a project outline and timeline, learning about the culture and giving culture of the organization you are serving with, making community contacts, coordinating a timeline, and moving as a team toward implementing the goals of the course. Students are required to attend all training sessions.

