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Puyallup Elementary

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Puyallup ElementaryCougar Sightings Blog

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2024 Start of School Information

Dear Cascade Christian Community,We are less than two weeks from the start of the 2024/2025 school year, and we could not be more excited! In this email, you will se...

Pioneer Campus | Puyallup Elementary Updates

Click here to see the latest updates! God has provided in amazing ways for the relocation of Puyallup Elementary to the Pioneer campus.  

Puyallup ElementaryCougar Sightings Blog

The Power of Performing Arts On Culture

In college, I was asked the question, “Do the arts reflect culture, or do the arts influence culture?” I believe that history shows the arts influence culture—for better or for worse. I love that CCS students get to be world changers through the arts!In looking at the history of theatre, the earliest known theatrical performances were seen in ancient Greek culture during ceremonial worship. This widely attended ritual set the tone for government, family life, religion, and the marketplace.In the 12th century, the spread of C...

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