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My Mama is My Hero...

February 28, 2024
By Tina deVries, Executive Director of Academic Programs & Services

As a career educator and educational leader, I have participated in or led many conversations about the people who’ve impacted my life. You know the question: “If you could be in the room with anyone in the world, who would it be?” Or “Who is the person who has had the greatest impact in your life?” Without question, my answer is always my mama.

As a descendant of generational divorce, addiction, and unimaginable abuse, the deck was definitely stacked against her and her siblings. In all reality, there are many reasons why I shouldn’t be who I am today, but for a woman who by God’s redemptive grace broke the generational hold on hope, wholeness, and flourishing. Not only does she have the grit and courage of a warrior, but she also has the grace and gentleness of a saint. Not an unkind thing passes her lips, and she genuinely lives her life to serve others.  

This weekend will kick off Women’s History Month, when we get to experience the joy of celebrating women such as this. Women who have defied odds, faced giants, overcome obstacles, broken through barriers, and stood firm to contend for what is right, what is just, what is good. Women who said, “Oh, yes, I can! Don't tell me I can't!” History has been significantly impacted by women like this. What an honor that God would give such influence to women. And do not be mistaken; this is God’s sovereign plan since creation of His image bearers as male and female.  

Proverbs 31 emphasizes the role and significance of wise women, specifically those who fear the Lord. It says in verses 29–30 (NIV), “ ‘Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.’ Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” Who comes to your mind? History is full of them. Rahab? Esther? Ruth? Mary? Mother Teresa? Harriet Tubman? Eleanor Roosevelt?