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  • Student Services

    Cascade Christian Schools is committed to loving and understanding each student’s individual differences by creating a culture where people are known and valued. We strive to provide an excellent and highly personalized educational experience for students of varying learning abilities. Our goal is to know students most excellently—including their areas of gifting and need—so that they reach their God-given potential. Our priority is to serve the whole child and ensure a place of belonging. To do this, we provide the following:

    • A resource specialist located on every campus
    • Classroom accommodations and modifications (Student Support Plans)
    • Tutoring support
    • Remediation
    • Testing and diagnostic services
    • Guided study classes
    • Teacher resources and professional development
    • Student resources
    • JH/HS counseling support
    • Career and post-secondary planning support

    “All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it.” —1 Corinthians 12:27, NLT

    For further information, please contact 
    Stephanie Herman, Director of Student Services.


      “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.”  –Psalm 32:8, NIV

    It means more than any one person could know or measure that Cascade Christian has taken the time to develop a department that focuses on teaching children who learn differently to reach their full potential, because not all children learn the same. Over the years, the support my family and son have received via Educational Support Services here at CCS has helped my son feel confident and loved. The specialized one-on-one instruction that teaches to my child’s learning strengths has unlocked the gifts Jesus has given him. Not only has his resource specialist helped him excel in his academics, but she has always reinforced that who he is in Jesus is unique and special. His gifts have always been highlighted and recognized. Our family has been able to not only continue at Cascade Christian but thrive because of the support services and teachers.      –CCS Parent