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    About Cascade Christian Schools

    Cascade Christian Schools, founded in 1992, is a private Christian school system in Puyallup, Washington, USA. The network of schools serves more than 1,900 students, from 6 weeks old to the 12th grade (nearly 400 high school students) across four different campuses. The staff at CCS teach and mentor with the philosophy of “whole person” development, helping each student grow mentally, physically, and spiritually. They provide an academic climate with a Christian culture that produces responsible citizens who serve in their local and global communities.

    Why Attend Here?

    Cascade Christian High School (CCHS) is located in Puyallup, Washington, approximately 45 minutes south of Seattle. CCHS prepares students for success with college-focused instruction and provides students with many opportunities for growth and success. CCHS graduates have been accepted at various prestigious universities including Brown, Cornell, Harvard, Purdue, Stanford, University of Pennsylvania, and Yale.

    Cascade Christian Schools International Program provides a comprehensive support system to accomplish our Guiding Principles in the lives of our K–12 international students. Cascade Christian’s international students come from many areas of the world, some of which include Africa, Germany, China, Korea, Ukraine, and Japan.

    Cascade Christian High School Profile


    About Puyallup, Washington

    Puyallup, Washington, is a beautiful little city with a population of around 43,000 people. Every year in September, more than 1 million people go to Puyallup for the Washington State Fair. Named after the Puyallup Tribe of Native Americans, Puyallup means “the generous people.” To learn more about Puyallup, visit

    Find out more about the admissions process.

    “I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.” —Ephesians 4:1


    College Acceptance

    Arizona State University, Bellevue College, Berklee School of Music, Boston College, Boston University, Brown University, California Polytechnic State University, Central Washington University, Colorado State University, Cornell University, Eastern Washington University, George Fox University, Georgia Institute of Technology, Grand Canyon University, Harvard University, Indiana University, Montana State University, New York University, Northwest College of Art and Design, Pennsylvania State University, Pepperdine University, Purdue University, San Diego State University, Seattle Central College, Seattle University, Stanford University, Tulane University, U.S. Air Force Academy, U.S. Military Academy West Point, U.S. Naval Academy, University at Buffalo–State University of New York, University of Arizona, University of Chicago, University of Montana, University of Pennsylvania, University of Washington, Washington State University, Wheaton College, Yale University


    School Details


    811 21st Street SE

    Puyallup, Washington


    Year Founded: 1992

    School Grades: KPrep–12

    School Population: 1,900 +

    Student/Teacher Ratio: about 16:1

    Average SAT Score: 1086

    Composite ACT Score: 23.0

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  • Fully accredited and SEVP-certified
  • ESL class and support available
  • Homestay families that live nearby
  • Wide range of AP and specialty classes
  • Private, secure campus

Specialty Class:

English Language Learners Program (ESL and TOEFL preparation)

School Sports: 

Boys’ Baseball, Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Coed Cheer, Boys Cross Country, Girls Cross Country, Boys Football, Boys Golf, Girls Golf, Girls Softball/Fastpitch, Boys Soccer, Girls Soccer, Boys Tennis, Girls Tennis, Boys Track & Field, Girls Track & Field, Girls Volleyball, Boys Wrestling