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High SchoolCougar Sightings Blog

News& Updates

Puyallup Elementary Relocation Update

I trust this update finds you having a wonderful start to 2024 and experiencing God’s love and goodness in many ways. I am writing to share with you our target locat...

Cascade Christian Teaching Statements

Ultimately, we believe it is our role to share the good news of grace and mercy that stems from the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Our goal is to develop di...

High SchoolCougar Sightings Blog

Dwell in God's Goodness

When it comes to the goodness of God, the Bible is packed full, cover to cover, with the good things about who God is and what He has done. For example, God’s love for us is so amazing that it cannot be fully measured (Ephesians 3:18). In addition to that, we can trust Him to give us what is best for us (Luke 11:11–13). Finally, as a result of being adopted into His family (Matthew 12:48–50), we have been given a distinct purpose and a mission (Matthew 28:18–20).While all these things are incredibly good, the greatest gift i...

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