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May 2024: Exciting Puyallup Elementary Update

Greetings, Cascade Christian Community, 

I trust this email finds you doing well as we are on the homestretch of this school year. There are a number of things that we are glad to be able to update you on, the first of which is the exciting news that we have purchased the property surrounded by the entrance and exit of our JH/HS campus. The acquisition of this property has value to us in many regards, and we have hoped and prayed for the chance to purchase it for several years. God’s perfect timing in all things has amazingly provided a key piece of what was needed to relocate the Puyallup Elementary campus to the JH/HS site. The acquisition of this property now has provided immediate added value for our CCS community!  

We are already finalizing our plans to pack up and relocate from the Motion Church facility as soon as school concludes! The process of approval from the City of Puyallup for all aspects of the relocation continues in a manner that gives us the opportunity to trust God’s providence and provision. Thank you for continuing to pray with us over all aspects of this approval process.  

The new piece of property will house spacious double modular classrooms for the Puyallup Elementary students. Site work to prepare for the modular units on the added property will begin as soon as possible. Costing roughly $4 million, the relocation of Puyallup Elementary includes site work, landscaping and fencing, elementary office space, and plenty of classrooms and restrooms! Thanks to many generous partners, we are excited to share that the funding for the completion of the JH building’s second floor and the first phase of the Puyallup Elementary relocation has been provided, giving every CCS student a classroom to learn in for the 2024-25 school year.  

We want the very best for our Puyallup Elementary students, as with all our students, and your generosity helps make that possible! We are dedicated to pursuing excellence in all we do, and we are so grateful for how the whole CCS community has partnered together to make this relocation a success. Thank you for investing in the students at Cascade Christian Schools! 

In His service,  

Ken Friesen, EdD  
Cascade Christian Schools

Puyallup Elementary Relocation Update

Dear Cascade Christian Community,

I trust this update finds you having a wonderful start to 2024 and experiencing God’s love and goodness in many ways. I am writing to share with you our target location for where the Puyallup Elementary campus will be located next school year. I am pleased and excited to share with you that it is our intent to relocate onto the same property as the JH/HS campus. I use the phrase “it is our intent” because there are still a number of things that need to be confirmed and finalized for this to happen, most significantly of which is permit approval from the City of Puyallup for placing modular classrooms on that site. Our architect is confident this can all be done and is eager to help us make it happen.

Taking this approach involves achieving the major objectives of what is best for the students, benefiting from the enhanced safety and security provisions the junior high/high school campus offers, being as close as possible to the current location, and being able to invest rather than spend our financial resources. It allows us to be good stewards of the resources that God has given us, which is a priority. Taking this approach also gives us the opportunity to determine over the next few years if this will be a short-term or long-term course of action. Regarding parking and traffic, rest assured, we are proactively developing a comprehensive plan to ensure smooth traffic flow.  

I am reminded of Exodus 14:14 (NIV), which says, “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” Be assured, God is fighting for us in this matter. So, to the questions of what is next and what can we do, the answers are, first and foremost, we trust God’s sovereignty over the matter, and we pray with a mindset of being still. Our prayer is quite simple in nature: “Father God, we acknowledge Your sovereignty over the matter of the relocation of our Puyallup Elementary campus, and we thank You for all You have done and will continue to do on our behalf. Specifically, we ask that the necessary approvals from the City of Puyallup be granted in Your perfect timing. We love You, Lord, and ask for this in Jesus’ name. Amen!”  

Please be on the lookout for opportunities to pray over the Puyallup Elementary relocation and community at large. We are deeply thankful to God. With hearts full of gratitude, we trust in His goodness as we navigate this exciting new chapter.

In His service and with deep gratitude,

Ken Friesen, EdD 
Cascade Christian Schools

First Day of Sch